
The Most Fun Web3 Marketing Newsletter

Marketing isn’t a buffet—get to the meat 🍖

Gm, gm.

In today’s newsletter:

📢 Marketing ISN’T a buffet

🎯 Focusing on the 20% that makes 80% of the difference.

I jumped on a call with a prospect the other day and he seemed confused.

“We’ve got all these great ideas and we’ve tried these different things, but they don’t seem to stick.”

What he meant was this: they had great ideas and tried everything—AMAs, videos, rebranding—but nothing stuck. The content wasn’t gaining traction, and the results fell flat.

This is a common frustration for many web3 projects because marketing feels like a buffet with too many choices.

It feels like there are 10,000 different things to try. But the hard truth is that most of them don’t matter.

So, before you ask—

• No, posting 10 tweets a week won’t save you.

• No, a 1500-word blog post won’t magically go viral.

• And no, another logo X logo announcement isn’t going to make the numbers go up.

That’s because marketing isn’t about doing everything. It’s about doing the right things, WELL.

Agencies won’t tell you this because they profit when you churn out content on autopilot. They’ll happily sell you busywork, even if it’s doing nada for your bottom line.

Ok, ok, Mia, it seems like you’re on to something here; what are those right things?

Glad you asked. Let’s dive into what actually works.

Let’s talk about positioning.

Good positioning sells itself —it sparks conversations in your community and even among your competitors. That’s where 80% of your success comes from.

But what do most projects do? They play it safe and obsess over shiny websites and fancy logos.

Newsflash: websites and logos are the 20%. It’s the positioning and the narrative it shapes that do the heavy lifting.

If that’s not figured out at the start, no matter what marketing you do, confusion will follow.

Projects like Ethereum, Solana, and Cosmos are great examples of this—whether their positioning was intentionally crafted or shaped by the market, it helped them stand out, as Ekram illustrated in one of his talks —

Each project is laser-focused:

• Bitcoin is digital gold, built for autonomy and resilience.

• Ethereum is the idealistic world computer.

• Solana sells speed and usability.

• Cosmos thrives on community ingenuity and sovereignty.

They don’t try to do everything—they own their lane, and everything flows from that clarity. This applies to everything marketing your project is doing.

Next time you’re overwhelmed by all the marketing options, pause. Instead of asking, “What more can we do?” ask “Are we focused on what really matters?” That’s what’s going to get you results.

P.S. We’ve got a positioning framework that can help you nail your stance—something your community will actually believe in and rally around. Reply ‘framework’ to get it.

Why positioning is important

Unhashed, Rimal 3, Jumeirah Beach Residence,Dubai
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The Most Fun Web3 Marketing Newsletter

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